" Nepal, a country of thousands of tribes, among them; a clan who is called Biswakarma (Biswa meaning world and karma meaning makers) or known as Kamis, the lowest caste in Nepal are the makers of Khukuri Knives. Khukuri making is one of the oldest professions within the Kami casts. Their source of income has now improved due to Khukuri House Thamel paying them well respecting their talent in knife making. More than 15000 Kamis have been involved in the making of Khukuris in Nepal. Among them, this house has selected expertise to make khukuri. Khukuris are made all over the world but the quality and the workmanship cannot be compared to those knives made in Nepal by Khukuri House Thamel."
Step 1 - Weighing
Surplus Indian truck steel (suspension leaf spring) are imported from Kolkata (western India) to Dharan (eastern Nepal) and transported to factory located in Chaukibari . The steel is carefully observed for cracks or puncture and then the selected ones are stored with other raw materials. The steel is now weighed to make the required type of khukuri. Initial weight of the steel should be heavier than the actual weight of khukuri as steel loses its weight and also the area becomes smaller during the process of making khukuri.
Step 2 - Measuring
The steel is measured as per the length required. The whole length from tip to tail of a khukuri is measured by the standard scale. Normally, about 2/3 inches of extra area is measured on both sides of the steel as it later squeezes a bit while hammering and beating.
Step 3 - Cutting
The measured steel is than cut and split from the main body. At first the steel is heated till red in a charcoal oven Chula and then is hammered using 3 kg hammer against a sharp metal cutting Chisel. This hammering process takes almost half an hour for two men to break the steel apart.